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Buckyball - C60.
C180 Fullerene.
C80 Fullerere (symmetry group: "c2v").
C20 Fullerene.
C540 Fullerene.
C180 Fullerene with encapsulated Gadolinium trinitrate.
C80 Fullerene (Symmetry group: "c2v").
C80 Fullerene (Symmetry group: "ih").

Carbon Nanotubes

Carbon Nanotube. Chirality: (10,0). Lenght: 3 nm. Capped at one end.
Carbon Nanotube. Chirality: (10,0). Lenght: 3 nm. Open ends.
Carbon Nanotube. Chirality: (6,3). Lenght: 3 nm.
Bent carbon nanotube. Chirality: (10,0). Length: 3 nm.
Carbon Nanotube. Chirality: (11,4). Lenght: 3 nm.
Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube (MWNT). Chirality: (10,0). Lenght: 3 nm. Three walls.
Carbon Nanotube. Chirality: (10,0). Lenght: 12 nm.
Carbon Nanotube. Chirality: (10,0). Lenght: 3 nm. Capped at both ends.
Double Walled Carbon Nanotube. Chirality: (10,0). Lenght: 3 nm.


Single-layer graphene.
Graphene sheet. One atom missing.
Three-layer graphene.
Graphene (top view).
Three-layer graphene.
Graphene sheet.
Graphene sheet.

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