CNSI Water Workshop: Improving Lives
California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) continued their 2017 teacher training workshops with the most recent focusing on water purification methods. Worldwide, every 90 seconds a child dies from [...]
California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) continued their 2017 teacher training workshops with the most recent focusing on water purification methods. Worldwide, every 90 seconds a child dies from [...]
Omni Nano had the pleasure of attending this week’s Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees: Progress in Nanotechnology Conference presented by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in [...]
Children at birth are natural scientists, engineers, and problem-solvers. Recent research has recommended that every effort should be made to engage students in STEM education as soon as they [...]
With sponsorship provided by Northrop Grumman, 280 students at Bright Star Charter Academy and San Pedro High School were inspired by Omni Nano’s Discover Nanotechnology workshops. One [...]
Thanks to the sponsorship of SoCalGas, Omni Nano presented 5 workshops at Lakeview Charter School to about 100 students. We received some fantastic feedback from some of the students: “What [...]