Hitachi Inspires in Alhambra
It was such a pleasure to return to Alhambra High School today to speak to about 100 students about the exciting possibilities of nanotechnology. We spoke to three classrooms of competitive, smart kids studying Computer Science and Anatomy/Physiology. The Computer Science students were especially fascinated to learn about nanoelectronics and quantum computing. Check out some great student quotes below!
We are grateful to our sponsor, Hitachi Southern California Regional Community Action Committee (SCRCAC), for supporting our innovative programs in STEM education. We are inspired by their mutual mission to inspire the next generation of STEM professionals.
Students are talking!
- I learned about how nanotechnology can change the composition and characteristics of the material without chemically altering the element. My favorite thing was learning and seeing the hydroponic surfaces.
- It was entertaining to learn that nanotechnology can influence the world so much: to cleaning an entire lake to making any object become hydrophobic. Such discoveries make me all the more fascinated for the future of our world, and I feel excited about what the next generation may think up of by progressing along the lines of nanotechnology.
- My favorite thing was the in-depth description of the different properties of nanotechnology and how it can be applied to daily life today.
- This is a good workshop because it teaches kids about the importance of STEM and its increasing relevance in the 21st century.