Hitachi SCRCAC Sponsors Wave of Workshops at El Segundo High School

Hitachi SCRCAC Sponsors Wave of Workshops at El Segundo High School

This is Omni Nano’s 4th year presenting workshops to the science and engineering classes at El Segundo High School, thanks to sponsorship from the Hitachi Southern California Regional Community Action Committee (SCRCAC).

Dr. Curreli, Executive Director of Omni Nano, commented “This year, 8 chemistry classes (approximately 260 students) actively participated in our workshops and expressed great interest in STEM.

Omni Nano’s most recent series of workshops introduced El Segundo students to a Scanning Electron Microscope via a partnership with the Hitachi High Technologies America Inspire STEM Education Program. Hitachi’s generous support allowed these students to realize, firsthand, the power of submicron objects and nanoparticles. Omni Nano is so grateful to Hitachi for its generosity in allowing the students an extra two weeks in class with the Scanning Electron Microscope ensuring that hundreds of other students were able to explore and utilize this powerful instrument.

With sponsorhip from Hitachi, Omni Nano inspires 60 passionate chemistry students at University High School

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With sponsorhip from Hitachi, Omni Nano inspires 60 passionate chemistry students at University High SchoolIt was a pleasure to present Discover Nanotechnology workshops to two chemistry classes today at Cleveland High School.