Nano Road Trip: Not Even Snow Will Stop Our Mission
We braved the cold and snow to give 2 workshops at Rim of the World High School up in Lake Arrowhead, CA. It was absolutely beautiful and we were happy to bring nanotechnology to the students there by crashing their Physics class for the day.
We think the success of the workshop can simply be demonstrated by the feedback we received from students:
“Thank you for coming to my school and telling us all about nanotechnology! It really opened my eyes to what science can do!”
“It was really interesting, I actually decided to stop playing games on my phone to pay attention.” (How many students usually say that about being in class?!)
“I truly loved the current applications of nanotechnologies and how they affect us in our daily lives, even if we didn’t realize they were there until now.”

Students not only enjoyed the presentation and learning about nanotechnology, they are also interested in learning more about career paths and advocating for the importance of nanotech to our future:
“More guiding information for the paths one could take in the nanotechnology career would be helpful for high school students in need of future advice.”
“Having the hands-on example was extremely interesting and encouraging to not only buy the product, but spread the word of the importance of nanotechnology in our future.”