CNSI: New Lab Alert!
This month’s “teach-the-teachers” workshop at UCLA’s California NanoSystems Institute was extra special because it introduced a brand new lab. How exciting! We focused on [...]
This month’s “teach-the-teachers” workshop at UCLA’s California NanoSystems Institute was extra special because it introduced a brand new lab. How exciting! We focused on [...]
Omni Nano was proud to once again join the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) at UCLA in a “teach-the-teachers” workshop weekend. This Saturday’s workshop focused on a fun [...]
Omni Nano is proud to have been a part of another teacher training workshop today at the California NanoSystems Insitute (CNSI) at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). Over 20 [...]
It was an incredible honor to meet Buzz Aldrin, one of the three astronauts who pioneered space exploration by landing the Apollo 11 on the moon on July 20, 1969. Just before planting the [...]
On November 18th, CNSI High School Nanoscience Workshop focused on Nanoscale Control of Wetting. Participants engaged in the use of superhydrophobic materials, both in their natural and man made [...]
I’m Megan Lee. I’m a 12th grader at Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco. “Since volunteering at Omni nano I have been able to to gain insight into the new discoveries [...]
Omni Nano is excited to be volunteering at CNSI/UCLA Nanoscience teacher training for the fourth consecutive year. The first workshop of the series focused on “Biotoxicity,” teachers were given [...]
Omni Nano wants to share the CNSI NanoScience Teacher Workshops 2017-2018 schedule with you. Omni Nano was created to reach an underserved population of nanotech students and teachers. It’s [...]
Omni Nano supports Wells Bring Hope, an organization that drills water wells in the poorest country on Earth: Niger. In developing nations young girls are impacted the greatest because they are [...]
Omni Nano presented at Northrop Grumman’s annual “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day” at the Hands-On Engineering Info Fair on June 23, 2017. This year over 800 children, ranging from [...]